
My friend Ray and I are starting this creative writing blog as a “sandbox” of writing examples. It’s something we’re doing just for fun and for practice and whatever else it can do. Please read freely, leave comments, show your friends, and most importantly enjoy!

We are still constructing this site, so do expect some design changes to happen often!

WB and Ray


Outside is my life
Outside is my reason
This place I am in is mine no more
They see me as a wanderer; a floater
I am a man of direction; of steady perseverance
I cannot feel free when I lie to myself
The judgements of others keep us in bondage
In bondage to a mental prison in a false world
And in our houses, office, and cities
Concerned with what they think, and not who we are
I want no more to be concerned with this
I will go outside
Outside is my life
Outside is my reason

11 July 04